Soon after, we inherited a Labrador mix from my in-laws that was already about 2 years old. He had been a stray and a handful and continues to be.
This morning we went to one of the local outdoor malls for some family shopping and we came to a pet shop in which the Williamson County Humane Society was displaying several dogs and puppies for adoption. I was struck by what looked like a heeler mix with a unique face. One side black and the other an ash gray. I had to find the wife to show her this dog. I had been looking for a dog just for her and this dog seemed perfect. It had a very easy going temper and seemed good with the kids, obedient and best of all was only $50.
Well, I finally got the wife to see him and she loved him and so did the kids. We all then made a family decision to get the dog. In talking with one of the society volunteers, if the dogs didn't get adopted soon they would be euthanised due to lack of space at the shelter.
We ended up calling our new dog Shadow though I was partial to Oreo since that is what he reminds me of. The dog's original name was Two-Face like the villian from the Batman series. We really didn't care for the name regardless of the obvious reason for it.
Shadow is about one year old, already neutered and current on all his shots. Our other dog, Sargento, which at first wasn't too sure about him and tried to assert his dominance, growled a few times but I believe they will eventually be OK with each other.